
Chapter 2 Explanation of Scriptures

17. Thus it is also said: "He who has, he will be given that he has in abundance; but he who does not have, will also lose what he has! "(Matthew 13:12) "having" here means: to be in the possession of a good, fertilized and plowed field, or to be in oneself a perfect vessel, full of the true golden tincture, which is a free-living spirit. By 'not having', however, is meant to sprinkle a seed on an unprocessed field, whereby the sower not only has no harvest to expect, but also loses the seed he has sowed; or it is also said to be in itself a puddle of coarse sulfuric salt, which not only cannot ever be transformed into a gold tincture by the gold thrown into it, but the gold which has been thrown into it, is also lost on top of that.

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