Chapter 1 | The Great Gospel of John, Book 1 |
22. Thus also I, as the eternal primordial essence of all existence and as the original Light of all light and life, came into the world of darkness to those who had come forth from Me, but they did not recognise Me in the night of their weakened feeling of exaltation. 23. For this 5th verse points out how, in accordance with the original standards and circumstances, I have come into the world created by Me and out of Me as fully the Same that I was from eternity and the world fails to recognise Me as its very own fundamental existence. 24. But I, as the First Cause of all existence, could not fail to foresee in My eternal, primordial light how through the constant conflict the feeling of exaltation, as the primal light within men, kept growing ever weaker and as the vital light also dimmer, finally to end in darkness, an that therefore men, if I came to them in the image they had been given out of Me would not recognise Me. At least very many would fail to recognise Me, especially if I came to them as a Deus ex machina (a suddenly appearing God) unexpectedly and without warning in a limited human form, in which case I would have to blame Myself that men could not possibly recognise Me because they would not be prepared for My advent in this way. 25. I did, indeed, realise this from eternity and, therefore, had this My advent, already beginning with men's first coming into existence, independent of Me, right to the time of My actual arrival, foretold to men through many seers who did not lose My light in the conflict. They faithfully described the circumstances and even the place and time of My advent. At the time of My actual arrival I caused great signs to take place and awakened a man, in whom dwelt a high primordial spirit, that he might announce to all the blind people My advent and full presence on earth. |
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