
Chapter 20 The Great Gospel of John, Book 1

And where the `one' is purely divine, also the `two' must be of God. Your deeds, dear Master, are divine and so must also be your teaching about the Kingdom of God on earth, whether I comprehend it or not. If I now, form a somewhat worldly viewpoint, look at the thesis, 'No one ascends to heaven, except the one who has come down from heaven,' namely, the Son of Man who resides in heaven, I am at a loss to understand. Dear Master, since Enoch and Elias hardly any man on earth would have been so fortunate as to visibly ascend to heaven. You may become the third. And if you perhaps do become the third, would that be of any use to all other men who, because they had not come down from heaven, could not ever attain to the heavens? – The Great Gospel of John, Book 1, Chapter 20, Paragraph 3

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