
Chapter 57 The Great Gospel of John, Book 1

If you are sure of your power, knowing how to properly present yourself thus, then I am at your service with all of my great wealth. These heathen pigs from the West shall soon clear the land of our fathers! Because verily, I have spent all my powers from my youth exclusively on amassing as many fortunes as possible on account of the awaited Messiah, so that a great army of the most martial and boldly cunning warriors can be bought for good wages! I have already established contact with quite a few of the most valiant peoples of the Far East, and it only needs a few messengers and in the space of a few moons a dreadful might shall be massing in these parts! But now no more of this; in my most spacious house we shall be able to resume our mediations! – The Great Gospel of John, Book 1, Chapter 57, Paragraph 11

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