
Chapter 57 The Great Gospel of John, Book 1

9. Replies the merchant: 'Ah, so it is you of whom I was told already yesterday and today that He is the Messiah, supporting it with marvelous deeds! You are supposed to have restored beautiful Irhael's old house and fitted it out miraculously and regally. And I was also told of a pungent sermon you delivered from the Mount, with which many were offended, as it was supposed to have been brimmingly anti-Mosaic! Now then, You are He?

10. Now, I am happy You are visiting me and hope to get to know You better! Do You know that I am not averse to this idea and firmly believe that the Messiah will, and must come! The time would according to my estimation be about right, as the pressure from the Romans is barely tolerable! And why could the long-awaited Messiah not be You? Oh, this I would soon and easily accept!

11. If you are sure of your power, knowing how to properly present yourself thus, then I am at your service with all of my great wealth. These heathen pigs from the West shall soon clear the land of our fathers! Because verily, I have spent all my powers from my youth exclusively on amassing as many fortunes as possible on account of the awaited Messiah, so that a great army of the most martial and boldly cunning warriors can be bought for good wages! I have already established contact with quite a few of the most valiant peoples of the Far East, and it only needs a few messengers and in the space of a few moons a dreadful might shall be massing in these parts! But now no more of this; in my most spacious house we shall be able to resume our mediations!

12. But lunch should by now be readied for you all; therefore do come, all of you, to eat and drink to your heart's content!'

13. Say I: 'Right then, let it all stand till then; then we shall discuss and finalise things! Therefore lead us all to your big hall. But those men at the far back leave here; these don't belong to Mine but only to the world!'

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