
Chapter 38 The Great Gospel of John, Book 10

2. I said: "Although you are more gentile than all the other gentiles, without considering that no one can serve 2 lords who are each others enemies, because he secretly must be the enemy of the one or the other and must by that still do for each one of them what is required from him. Or can someone serve God and the mammon of the world at the same time? And still, you have done that for a long time. Thus, change your heart and drink of the wine of truth, so that your soul may be enlightened."

3. Then the rabbi took also a cup full of wine and drank it to the bottom.

4. When he had the wine in him, he also burst out in a great eulogy about the wine and My power, and at the end of his eulogy, swinging the cup up high that was filled once more, he said (the rabbi): "Yes, You are indeed the One for who all the Jews and also the gentiles have waited so long. Therefore, hail You, Son of David, and hail also all men on Earth through You. Honor to God on high and honor to You, His Son."

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