
Chapter 218 The Great Gospel of John, Book 6

7. I then suddenly saw a man dressed in white clothes walking up and down along the shore, with his eyes fixed on the ship and not leaving it out of sight. I called several of my colleagues closer to me and drew their attention to the figure on shore. They thought that this could perhaps be a shore magician, and one had to give him a sacrifice, so that he would release the ship. We therefore left the ship and went ashore to the figure, who waited with a steady look for us. When we arrived at the supposed to be magician, with a firm courage I asked the figure: 'You are holding my ship with your magic powers. For what reason? Do you require a sacrifice as redemption for the ship from us? Speak, since my trip to Egypt is urgent!'

8. The figure looked at me steadfastly and seriously and said loudly and very clearly: 'I am not a magician and I do not require any sacrifice from you. However, since you placed yourself under the protection of Jehovah of the Jews, I have been send here to protect you from perishing. Since when you depart today, you, together with your ship, will be a prey of the sea during the third hour of the night! Twenty hours walking from here a great storm will rage. Woe him, who is caught by its fury! Tomorrow you can sail and you will complete your journey unharmed.'

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