
Chapter 220 The Great Gospel of John, Book 6

Renunciation of the world and the Kingdom of God

1. Hereupon I said: "And blessed is also he, who is not annoyed about Me! You blind pharisees say: 'If the sky is red in the evening, tomorrow will be a nice day; however if the morning is red, the day will be murky!' These signs you can assess: How can you not see the signs of these great times, which are given to you by Me? But you also see these signs and understand them as well; but because of your love for the world, you do not want to accept them and also prevent the people from doing so. And as such you don't want yourself to enter the kingdom of heaven but also prevent anyone else from entering; and therefore one day you will be overcome by even more damnation!

2. if a blind bumps against a rock, nobody can accuse him of any mistake. But if someone seeing does so, it is obviously a coarse mistake, since he could see, that a stone lies on the path. And it is even more so with spiritual matters. Who, based on his soul blindness, cannot understand these signs and words which I do and speak, it will not be counted as a sin against him, however to him manifold, who sees and still stays an enemy of the truth!

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