
Chapter 224 The Great Gospel of John, Book 6

The truth is the sun of the spirit, and it must shine to all people without any politeness clouds! The illuminated cloud however is not a sun, and a foolish politeness is as good as a smoothened lie, which can bring nobody to the true salvation of his soul. Therefore everybody should speak the truth openly, if he want to be useful; since nobody is served with only a half truth! With Me there is no holding back and clemency, but only love and light! And if I would not be as truthful as I am, where would be this heaven and this earth and where and what would be the people?! I have not come to flatter the people, but to teach them the truth and to give them the everlasting life through the truth. And for that any holding back and sparing is of no use. - Think about that and only then say, if I had been hard against you!" – The Great Gospel of John, Book 6, Chapter 224, Paragraph 5

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