
Chapter 227 The Great Gospel of John, Book 6

Who however, will cross over from his selfish thriftiness to full stinginess, is already here a devil in human form, who always opposes the spirit of God, which is pure love, and therefore is forever excluded from any bliss. For as certain as there is a heaven, there also exists a hell, whose worm never dies, and whose fire never extinguishes. Who goes in there by his very own will, will never come out by his very own will, - and this is the true, everlasting death of the soul. This remember well, and be careful not to fall into selfishness, self-love, jealousy, stinginess and haughtiness of the world! Since all other sins a person can get rid of more easily than those just named. – The Great Gospel of John, Book 6, Chapter 227, Paragraph 8

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