
Chapter 245 The Great Gospel of John, Book 6

13. However, do not ask about the size and length of diameter of such a shell-globe! Since for man there hardly ever could be thought of a figure on this earth, through which the distance from this earth to the sun, which is 44 times thousand times thousand hours walking, when taken as a unit measure to determine the shell-globe diameter, then aeon times aeon of such distance would hardly be enough for a solar super universe, of which there nearly exist countless many. Thus I nevertheless have ascertained the concept of the nearly endless size of a shell-globe in you, and on this foundation we can build further.

14. See, such a shell-globe is actually only a single dot in My large creation space! How this must be thought of and must be understood, I will show you straight away.

15. Imagine for yourself now outside this most enormous large shell or outer skin of a previously described globe, an enormously wide space in all directions as totally empty, and this for so far out, that someone with even the sharpest eyes, would see the nearly endless large shell-globe as nothing more than a most smallest weak shimmering little dot, and in the opposite direction another, which of course would be again a shell-globe. This more or less would give you a measure of space between two shell-globes, the one as big as the other, but nevertheless, at half way, already shrivelling to a nearly invisible shimmering dot because of the most immense distance, and as such we now have learned about two neighbouring shell-globes.

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