
Chapter 247 The Great Gospel of John, Book 6

Said the totally flabbergasted pharisee: "Lord, Lord, You my almighty and everlasting God, according to Your only too clear explanation, there is only very little hope of salvation for the damned in hell; since such most endless time periods without number and without measure are just as well eternity itself! O no, these are sizes of which no man until now, even to the slightest degree, could have thought about! Into what infinite nothingness does man not disappear, compared to this! O God, why are You so endlessly great, wise and mighty and we people so endlessly trifle, stupid and weak?! Lord, verily true, now I am befallen by a great fear for You, since You are in Your spirit too endlessly big, too wise and too almighty! And it is now for me the most incomprehensible, how You, in a highly limited human body, could have come to us on this trifle earth in Your complete divine fullness!" – The Great Gospel of John, Book 6, Chapter 247, Paragraph 1

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