
Chapter 1 The Great Gospel of John, Book 8

Another Pharisee said: "Listen, young wise orator, we ask you now only to let us go unharmed back to town again, and we give you the full assurance that we, who are here now, will never more in the least take part in the persecution of the wonderful prophet from Galilee. Yes, we even as much as possible will dissuade others from doing it. However, if we will be able to bring our colleagues to more kindness with respect to the performer of wonders, that we can of course not guarantee. However we can assure you that we will do our utmost best to temper the persecution anger of our colleagues. Because we have experienced now and have convinced ourselves that our blind persecution of the Galilean is one of the greatest follies, which can lead to nothing else except to our ruin. And therefore we will also do what we have promised here. But let us now – as we have already asked before – reach the city unharmed." – The Great Gospel of John, Book 8, Chapter 1, Paragraph 24

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