
Chapter 15 The Household of God, Book 1

8. And behold, here Abel was prompted to action. With his right hand he wielded the sword of justice above the head of Cain and Cain's eyes became opened and he saw his great guilt in accusing God and his parents. He recognized the whole guilt within himself and saw the inscrutable ways of eternal Love in Its mysterious and boundless wisdom and understood that he himself was actually the seductive serpent which, thanks to eternal Love's boundless mercy, bad become man through him. In this way it could - and should have -, though by greater trials, become aware of its present unblessed state of infirmity and in this awareness in the full independence and freedom of its being turned to the Lord of all the might and power. Then it would have, like the already blessed, received the fullest, most powerful blessing and thereby re-admittance to the great grace of all- merciful Love.

9. And he realized that this serpent which he had just consumed was he himself in his still evil part, and that only through his anger had he breathed the same upon the earth in its former nature, and that the words of the serpent were his own words from the innermost depth of his original being prior to all creation of the visible world of matter.

10. He also understood how he thereby once more absorbed the serpent into his own being or how he had again fortified himself in an evil and the there from resulting errors and saw how deeply he had now fallen into death.

11. Then, seized with great remorse, he threw himself to the ground and wept and cried aloud: "O great, exceedingly mighty, powerful and holy God! Only now do I recognize my endless guilt and weakness before You, Your justice, but also Your infinite love!

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