
Chapter 3 The Household of God, Book 1

17. You must and can tell openly whether I have ever compelled you in any war or whether it was at all times left to your free will to come to Me with a question you wanted to ask and if I have ever failed to answer your question. When you asked Me from hell, I gave you an answer, and when you were on earth, I spoke to you, and I spoke to you in the heavens. My ear is open to you day and night. What you are writing here, you write at your own time and leisure, and I am always satisfied with how long and how much you wish to write. Therefore, tell them faithfully that it does not matter to Me, but whenever someone comes to Me, he is heard and accepted.

18. Tell the children that they must not mock Me, but that they shall take this seriously. Tell them that I am never facetious nor do I appreciate a joke. I take everything seriously concerning the great and the small, the young and the old, male and female. I do not make exceptions.

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