
Chapter 4 The Household of God, Book 1

11. And that is the bliss, or the Kingdom of God within you, or the only beatific church on earth. And life eternal is only in this church.

12. Or do you think I dwell within the walls, or in the ceremony, or in the prayer, or in the worship? Oh no, there you are quite wrong, for I am only where there is love, being Myself the very love or the very life. I give you love and life and unite only with love and life, but never with matter or death.

13. I have overcome death and subjected the Deity in order to have all the power over everything that exists, and that My love may rule forever and make alive all that is subject to it.

14. And how can you believe that I wait for you in death when I am life itself? Therefore, go first into the true church where there is life, and only then into the dead church that it may become alive through you.

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