
Chapter 5 The Household of God, Book 1

36. This love will bring much fruit, will rise to the light of grace and constantly behold the boundless depths of the Deity - like the poles which look into the infinite spaces of the creations of the love of God - and will, with its eyes wide open, absorb the soft rays from the boundlessness of all the infinite spaces where mercy's countless beings are circling, everyone according to its kind, and will out of delight and bliss in its love towards Love and for Love ignite and become self-shining as a sun, like the light of the earth's poles.

37. Therefore, whoever remains constant in the center of the love of cognition, which is the grace, will have his loins aglow with love out of God, like the girdle of the earth and his eyes will shine with understanding like the poles, and his arms will move like the rivers, brooks and springs, and his deeds will stream towards the seas of the divine mercies, which are salted with grace and the understanding of eternal Love and everlasting life.

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