14. With allopathic treatment, however, the body is forced to first become the physician for its soul. And only when the soul, usually through great misery of the body, has retained its health, can it retroactively begin to restore its body. This is surely the most unsuitable way for regaining the full health of the body which is obvious when one looks at the lengthy process of a very sick body’s recovery. 15. Thus, homeopathy is a proper healing method, but note that there are two kinds of homeopathy, namely: 16. First, there is a special one (Note: Founded by Hahnemann) whose results are not quite certain because even the most skilled physician cannot always recognize for sure where and in which parts the soul is weakened. Therefore, he is unable to apply the correct soul specific. This is, of course, possible to a physician who is reborn in the spirit, whereas for one who is not completely, or usually not at all reborn, it is, notwithstanding his discernment and skill, difficult or even impossible.