52. From that moment on, he will put her out of his heart and immediately he will no longer look at her, even if she should experience the greatest want. 53. That is what the Lord will do with you, because He raised a new, living temple in your heart, while you will be waiting for Him; but you scorn this temple, this holy chamber, and you run, because of mere worldly lechery to the window of justice to be wanton with the world, because of the gold, the reputation, and the lust for power, since you lust for all those things. 54. But I say this to you: The Lord will withdraw Himself and will let you pass over into all kinds of harlotry, into the old justice, and into the old death, unless you turn around immediately, and totally desist from the clergy – which you yourself elected – from your temples, from your days of feast, and from your magnificent raiment; all of this is an abomination before the Lord, just like a lecherous courtesan, which is much more wicked in her heart, than ten whores of Babel. |