4. How and what is the origin of the fly? 5. Scientists may know that the fly lays eggs which are so small that they can hardly be seen by the human eye, and are, therefore, so light that the eggs, like sun-dust, can stay in the air very easily. 6. But where does the fly lay its little eggs, since their number often exceeds millions, and how and where are they raised? Have you ever seen a young fly? However, the gnats are not young flies. 7. Understand, the fly, upon reaching maturity, lays her eggs wherever it sits down, and then it forgets about them. Millions are scattered by the wind into all regions of the earth, millions go into the water, yes, you probably cannot think of anything on earth, which remains free from its eggs. Since there is, so to speak, nothing so holy on which it might not land or which it may not sniff, therefore, other than glowing coals and a blazing fire, there is almost nothing, which the fly might not smear with its eggs.