
Chapter 3 The Natural Sun

The paths of solar man's development, either against or in accordance with God's will

1. What happens to those however, who do not heed the order of My will? These abandon their bodies moving to another solar globe, which is the first interior sun where they are once again taken up into suitably prepared bodies but still fully conscious of their former being, in order to realise for a certainty that it is a consequence of having acted contrary to the living order of My will. They, by the way, have their complete, mighty freedom of will here also and can act as before. Should they again step outside My order here they are moved to a more interior globe still and eventually through continuing to trespass against My order are moved to the innermost sun itself, which also is the most material and firm one.

2. Those submitting to the order then ascent to higher perfection. Alternatively, they are placed into more rigid captivity and, as part of the sun's bulk, expelled into the wide planetary and cometary spaces.

3. Here you need only to hark back to the volume "The Fly" where you shall see what takes place over time, with these expelled spiritual potencies. Sometimes, it can indeed be the case that these as yet un-solidified spiritual entities, on their initial planetary launching, turn to the divine order again on account of residual consciousness and are received back by the sun for their ongoing development. Conversely however, they are commanded to an extended period of irregular cometary migration, whereupon they are taken into even stricter custody, to be eventually forced into the judged order of a planet or even a moon.

4. The above mentioned explanation will suffice, for from it transpires what type of spiritual children you yourselves are and that you are in fact, as it were, children of solar men.

5. But how, on the other hand, you can also be their parents, shall not be hard to guess. I say unto you that you can be so in a twofold way; in one sense when your children sometimes die prematurely, this is a case where such spirits, if obedient and of a better character return sooner, as you have heard earlier, that some groups of spirits expelled from the sun, if they become submissive in the form of a developing comet, are received back by the sun, without going through a difficult, complete planetary standard test.

6. In this case you are firstly already parents of these children returning to the sun prematurely. In another, much more perfect sense however, you can be parents of the entire solar population in aggregate, namely if, with Paul, you can say: "not I but Christ (now) dwelleth in me!"

7. Behold, now this apparent contradiction shall become clear to you and from that you shall be able to discern even more clearly what is meant by: "Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name ... Thy will be done!" Because wherever the Father's will is heeded or even where just the inclination towards such will predominates, no full planetary material maturity is needed in order to return to the kingdom of true life: or, to be able to say in spirit: "Thy kingdom come".

8. If you ponder the aforesaid a little, you shall not think it inexpedient that many flowers and unripe fruits drop off the trees. If you want to know why and whereto, just look into the sun. It shall at once tell you that a planet does not always have to ripen physically in order to spiritually return to whence it came. We shall examine other types of relationships upon our perfect planet - sun, next time.

9. The question can be put here: what happens to those solar spirits who always remained within and acted in accordance with My will? And are there many such perfect spirits in the sun who do not have to undergo further downgrading in order to then painstakingly ascend to perfection again?

10. The numerous spirits, who are already perfected in the sun, do not tarry in the sun after their perfection but ascend to a higher central sun from which they had once gone forth together with their sun. There they gain firmness in their humility and ascend to a still deeper arch-primordial central sun, which exceeds the former one unspeakably in size, light and magnificence.

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