
Chapter 3 The Natural Sun

9. The question can be put here: what happens to those solar spirits who always remained within and acted in accordance with My will? And are there many such perfect spirits in the sun who do not have to undergo further downgrading in order to then painstakingly ascend to perfection again?

10. The numerous spirits, who are already perfected in the sun, do not tarry in the sun after their perfection but ascend to a higher central sun from which they had once gone forth together with their sun. There they gain firmness in their humility and ascend to a still deeper arch-primordial central sun, which exceeds the former one unspeakably in size, light and magnificence.

11. When these spirits, ever so translucent, arrive at this second central sun, they feel themselves to be no more than totally dark and lightless. Hence they are once again initiated stage by stage, making them capable of ascending to a still deeper and all but endlessly large central sun. This sun also is the final material pre-school for heaven as such, which is the primordial fatherland of all perfect spirits. But in this last and very largest central sun of a shell-globe, there are many gradations which the spirits with etheric bodies have to go through before being ready to be taken up by the spiritual-sun-world, called heaven. This in outline is the Way for the spirits perfected in the sun.

12. Were someone to ask: why such a drawn-out path, then the answer is: such spirits had descended in stages within the last-mentioned innermost and very greatest central sun, taking up evermore of the material on every such solar step. For this reason they have to make their way back in order to cast off the last material atom, until capable, in perfection, to go over to the purest, true, celestial-solar-world, for all eternities of eternities.

13. Now we also know this. But I see another hidden question in you which says: do the spirits of planetary men also have to go this very enlightening but also very extended path in order to get to actual heaven?

14. If a general answer is sought, neither a yes nor a no will answer this question, because this depends on three factors: children and such people as need further purification after casting off their bodies on Earth have to take this path indeed; likewise those, mostly learned men of the world, in whom there is much conceit and selfish pride, have to take this path and a more complicated one; they have to take this path and sometimes an even far more complex one, several times, starting from this Earth, in that they have to undergo a purifying pre-school in the various other planets before getting to the sun.

15. The difference between prematurely deceased children, who are immediately taken up by the sun and the people mentioned after them, who are taken up into the sun-school at a later stage, is that the spirits of the children brought up in the sun are taken up into one or other association of angels in the true, actual heaven, whilst the more mature upon the planets have to go through the entire prescribed path.

16. Those people on Earth however, who had already cast out everything worldly and material through their pure love for Me, deserve nothing other than Me and have exceedingly shortened their path therewith: for these are truly My children and truly My brothers and sisters and they come into Me fully after joyfully discarding their material body, and so namely, those who completely love Me, come immediately to the pinnacle of the highest heaven, where I Myself dwell.

17. Behold this is the difference with the spirits, especially of this Earth planet, as a consequence of discarding the flesh. Something similar but much rarer, can also happen to the inhabitants of Jupiter and still more rarely with the inhabitants of the planets Saturn, Uranus and the third, still undiscovered planet. But none of the spirits of the inhabitants of the latter planets immediately get to the highest heaven, but only to the first, the wisdom heaven.

18. Now that these paths have been disclosed to you and we are familiar with the sun's exterior aspect, we can move to the inner solar system and to beholding its glories, where you shall behold things of which you previously never had the feeblest suspicion. But to prevent interrupting our inspection, we shall leave these observations till next time and so we will end for today.

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