
Chapter 4 The Natural Sun

About sunlight. The atmosphere as light-shell.

1. When examining the sun we shall first look at its light sphere, because the sun becomes sun only by virtue of its surrounding sphere.

2. What is this light-sphere from the natural aspect? It is the atmospheric air-sphere around the actual solar planet and has such a powerful shine upon the outer surface only gradually darkening towards the planet itself, so much so that from the actual solar planet there is an unhindered view into the universe through the light-substance sphere, as from other planets. And this light sphere, through which no view is possible from a planet of the actual solar body, is totally transparent from the solar planet itself.

3. Here you will ask: how can one look unhindered through this most intense light-mass into the endless distances, when it is the sheerest impossibility to look into the inner solar planet through this light-mass?

4. The reason is simple and lies nearer to you than you will believe. A simple, well known phenomenon shall make it clear. If you stand in front of the window of a house from which the sun's rays are being reflected into your eye, what do you see? Nothing but the blinding reflection of the sun from the window creating an insurmountable obstacle to seeing what is behind the window. Shall it also be an obstacle to someone standing behind the window looking out and accurately observing everything outside the window, assuming the windowpane is clean? Not in the least! Whilst you see nothing but the shining-white glass from the outside, the person standing inside shall easily be able to count your hairs.

5. Behold, it is also the same with the sun, as its brilliant shine is nothing other than, in the first instance, the rays taken up from billions of suns each reflecting itself endlessly off this out-stretched solar air-minor surface; however just as the sun itself is endlessly reflected off solid land and especially water objects from any other planet, it is mostly reflected off the continuous air-surface surrounding a planet.

6. You will ask: why is our planet Earth along with some other planets not engulfed with powerful light like the sun, since each planet, like the sun, is located amidst billions of suns? And if so, how about the moon, which would also have to shine as powerfully as the sun, since it can take up the rays from the same billions of suns?

7. To show you how misguided this assertion is, I shall again take you through an example. Take a number of glass spheres of which the smallest shall be no larger than a large grain of sand; then one the size of a hemp seed, another the size of a pea, another like a hazel nut, another like a walnut; another like an average apple, the next like a double fist, and one like a human head: and so on up to a sphere of two meters in diameter. Place all these spheres in a sun-lit place and then watch the sun's reflection from each. On the smallest globule you shall see hardly more than a point of light, whilst from the second one you shall see a more powerful point of light. From the third the sparkle shall already affect your eye considerably. The fourth reflected sun shall already show a measurable diameter and you shall not tolerate its shine for long. The light from further globes shall be blinding, and its diameter more marked. With the human head-size, the diameter shall reach that of a large lentil and you shall not be able to look at it with the naked eye. But the reflection from the last sphere shall have the diameter of one inch, making it even less possible to view with the naked eye.

8. Behold, as it is with the light-reception of these globes, so it is also with the diverse heavenly spheres. Those fixed stars or rather distant suns, which you see from Earth as only shimmering points of light; these same points of light, especially those you call magnitudes one, two and three, appear in size to the inhabitants of Jupiter as twenty, ten and five Kreuzer pieces of silver. How so?

9. Because the "glass globe" Jupiter is already nearly four thousand times the size of your Earth, hence it has to receive the image of the distant suns on a necessarily larger scale than your much smaller Earth planet; for which reason Jupiter, in spite of its far greater distance from the sun, nevertheless has a much more powerful light than the much nearer planet Mars, and also your Earth.

10. Consider the fact that the sun is more than a million times the size of your Earth, and it speaks for itself that even such distant suns of this galaxy must call forth an intense light image from the sun's atmospheric surface, to the extent that distant solar regions which, even to the aided eye on Earth, appear only as a point of nebula on the sun reflecting with a diameter of one to three inches, shining so powerfully that you would not tolerate its image with the naked eye, even for one second.

11. Now consider the images of nearby suns, which not infrequently are reflected with an image of between a hundred and a thousand square miles (German) in area; multiply these countless sun images upon the solar atmospheric sphere surface, and you shall arrive at such light-intensity as to make you shudder.

12. Behold, this is the reason for your daily planetary solar light. This shall explain the preceding matter and enable you to comprehend how the inhabitants of the solar planet can easily look through the apparent light-sphere of the sun, whilst looking inwards is the sheerest impossibility for the eye of the flesh.

13. Now that we know this: I nevertheless see a well-hidden question in you that says: this solar shine-theory seems fairly good, namely that the suns in aggregate light each other up thus. But if each sun shines like that, it begs the question, from where do the suns in total take their light, seeing that each individual one receives it only from rays of other suns, saying as much that no sun has its own light, but bristles only with the reflection of other suns' light. Whence do these other suns then derive their light? Because if the above mentioned light-theory is completely accurate, then each sun is completely dark in itself. Where does the mutual reflecting come from then?

14. Behold, this is a fairly good question. But since the answer to this question must be rather complex for your comprehension, it shall follow in the next revelation. And therewith we will finish for today!

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