
Chapter 151 From Hell to Heaven, Book 2

As man’s substantial external form, the soul has actually no light within itself other than that penetrating it externally from other beings, which, for a lengthy period already possess their own interior light, wherefore its cognition also is piecemeal. Whichever parts of its psychic world-view comes under the focus of the external light shall then also be recognized and assessed by such soul the way it presents itself to it. Once the light shifts to another part, the previously lit up part is completely forgotten. Something entirely different then appears in the soul like a meteor, being only recognised and assessed by it for the duration of bathing in its light. After the exterior light rotates away from the second lit-up part, then that is also the end of the soul’s cognition of that second part. And thus the soul could allow itself to be lit up from without for eternities, yet remain standing still upon the same cognition stage it stood before. – From Hell to Heaven, Book 2, Chapter 151, Paragraph 11

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