
Chapter 154 From Hell to Heaven, Book 2

Chapter 154

Secrets in the graves; healing in the beyond

The collection point of divine grace

1. The Franciscan goes to look for the opening, getting a close look. At first it is all pitch dark, gradually brightening up sufficiently for him so see everything within the hollow, and any other manifestations.

2. After a while he begins to say: “Oh Lord, by your holiest name – what amazing things! I’m seeing the room of a scholar! In one corner, an immense bookcase filled with all sorts of dusty volumes, and in another corner a writing table with an enormous stack of documents. At the back wall there is a large bedstead upon which lives a naked woman in not a too moral pose. The ugly looking scholar now moves up to the bed, saying: ‘Goiba, let us indulge in life’s supreme pleasure, for life is so only if indulged in joyously!’ He is taking his clothes off and – oh you animal! No, this has to be seen! Lord, is there no water with which I could cool this pig’s appetite? I thought to have seen a dead body down there! No, this would be a nice cadaver! This truly is an amazing pigs’ museum!”

3. Say I: “Let that be! Because you would provoke him to anger and do him more harm than good! Such human animals are much inclined to rage, and it is not advisable to disturb them in their appetite. But when he is at an end with his enterprise, his own nature shall show him what painful earnings he gathered up for himself. Just wait till his joyous act is shortly finished, whereupon you shall get to see quite a different one. Watch!”

4. Soon the Franciscan says: “Oh you desperate straits! The scholar’s and his fat Goiba’s lascivious joys have taken a nasty turn: dreadful lamenting with pain; terrible cursing of the act can be heard, both of them arching like trodden worms, crawling upon the floor with pain. What disgusting sight! Truly Lord, if they were not both such pigs I would pray You for mercy upon them. But in this case, I will not! This rabble shall have to most fundamentally find out what hellish refreshment vice brings!”

5. Says Miklosch: “Friend, give me a look too! “Says the Franciscan: “By all means come and look!“ Miklosch looks through the opening, saying, “Ah, shocking a thousandfold! This is truly terrible; oh Lord, these two must be hurting immensely. Perhaps some alleviation is called for?

6. Say I: “Let that be! If such ossified paramours are to be helped, they have to be grabbed somewhat indelicately, because a gentle smack on the wrist is of no effect upon such material souls. I am indeed lenient with this kind of human nature for lengthy periods. But when all gentler warnings and raps over the knuckles are in vain, then they are seized with my ultimate earnest, and only through the fullness of pain do they begin to turn inwardly and are then receptive for something higher. Wherefore we shall let them enjoy the pain – glowing fruits of this joyful activity!”

7. Says Miklosch: “But Lord, one can look at it no more! They are screaming shockingly, beginning to tear each other apart in desperation. What dreadful cursing they emit over the committed act. Ah, it is truly terrible! Lord, is that what goes on beneath these countless monuments and gravestones!”

8. Say I: “Sometimes much worse, but sometimes better . For upon Earth none of these were able to complain about a lack of spiritual light. Having however taken up the light not into their hearts but only their loose brains, remaining the old he-goats within their hearts, full of filthy sense and haughtiness and also secret rage, they have to be completely transformed again in this museum. If no gentle operation are of effect then one has to unfortunately move on to more severe ones, or these should be redeemed no more. But let us now leave these and pass on to another grave!”

9. Says Baron Bethany for a change: “Lord, Thou best Father, right here stands a gilded monument, and that with the most mysterious inscription.

10. ‘God, freedom, bliss! Man, chained dog, misery, death! Man, a parasite animal upon the wide vestment of God’s holiness, would love God like the louse loves man’s body. But this annoys God; the reason for God’s constant “killing of the human pests. What man knoweth the louse’s love of him? The more lice upon man’s skin, the more louse-love around him. But great and wise man is not pleased with such love, wherefore he does everything to rid himself of such lousy paramours. And the exalted deity does likewise: it constantly strives to dispose of such lousy human love. Yet the deity ought not to create the lice and not give it consciousness, if lice love is to it an abomination! Because notwithstanding the louse’s microscopic size compared to God’ infinite greatness, it nevertheless is imbued with immense sensitivity, perceiving the divine abhorrence pressure painfully, proportionate to the overbearing omnipotence, compared to that miserable louse existence called man. Hence, exalted Deity, show grace to your lice, annihilating them effectually forever!”

11. Verily, a most filthy, peculiar Epitaph. Here I would want to check what kind of grave occupant this is.”

12. Say I: “My dear Ludwig, with this pleasure I can easily provide you. Go and check the rear side of the monument, where you shall find a round opening through which to look, and this shall put you in the know!” The Baron, Bethany, steps behind, finding the opening. Bending down and looking intently through the opening, he shortly speaks in astonishment over his find: “Oh, this is most amazing! A big, filthy ape hung with dishevelled peacock feathers paces up and down a hall, repeatedly placing his hand upon the nose and low brow, rubbing it somewhat philosophically. And further down there some seven or eight, probably female apes huddle together upon a bed, whispering something into each other’s ears. The big ape is now saying with a stretching voice: ‘Sure sure, Russians and Turks are unsuitable for each other. The Bohemian already has them by the hair. After them will come the English and French and show the Russians how far from Europe to Siberia. And dear Austria shall become a wiping rag and in the end dance to others’ tune. Ha, ha, ha, ha, it is just as I had wished for! You poor Germans, you silly Slavs, Latin donkeys and Hungarian oxen! Serves you right that you all became Englishmen, Frenchmen and Turks! For thus you acted and desired it! Oh you monumental brutes! Being unable to reach agreement in Parliament, you are going to now untie upon the gallows of widespread poverty and despair! It now serves you right, you Latin, German, Hungarian and Slav asses! Hahaha! It certainly concerns me no more, since I am looked after. But I surely am glad that it has come to pass the way I often thought it would when in the world!”

13. Continues the Baron: “Ah, Lord, you good holy Father, what this ape is on about is not how the world is! Please tell us whether there is anything to it.” Say I: Anything can happen in the world, depending on whether they walk in My ways or trust in their own power. But continue to listen to the ape!”

14. The Baron is all eyes and ears again, and the ape speaks after clearing his throat: “But where has my Malla been so long; ah, there she comes, probably with plenty of world news! (Malla enters the room) – Greetings! Well, what news of the lousy world?”

15. Says Malla, who too looks quite apish: “Hard to say, my Mallwit; all’s confused, none knowing cook from waiter! The Austrian Parliamentarians are working on their exit, by which to escape when they have oversalted the soup, making the small fry into big, and vice versa. Isn’t that just to your liking, my dear Mallwit?”– Mallwit laughs happily.

16. Continues Malla: “The rich are going to pay big taxes and are already whingeing. The clergy can’t get enough of knocking the government, and country people will hear nothing of paying. The artists and the professionals are gradually sinking into despair. The military are looking to silver and gold, but none comes up. Ah, what fun! The Pope is of course still down with the French trouble and has summoned doctors from Naples, Spain and Austria; but all for nothing; he can’t shrug it off and that’s going to knock the dear Pope out! Hahaha!”

17. Says the ape Mallwit: “Just down my lane: exactly as I often said in the world! But it’s not a bad joke with the Pope at all and cannot be otherwise! How easy it could have been in 1848 when we still were in the world, had people tried to understand each other a little. But they have landed in the puddle; serves them perfectly right! But now come up with some food; I am damned hungry, and so are our daughters on the sofa.”

18. Continues the Baron: “now the she-ape Malla runs out the door! Am curious about the menu! Ah, she returns with a basketful; let anyone guess what kind of food! The thing actually looks like half boiled female private parts, with a few male ones thrown in. He ravenously attacks the basket, picking out the largest chunks, leaving the small bits. Malla and her daughters then got stuck into the male looking portions! Ah, wouldn’t this drive you crazy! And how it is all swallowed with greed! ‘Praise God, at last I feel filled again! These were prime oysters! The marinated snails too must have been choice ones, but my stomach cannot handle them. And now you can venture outdoors again if you would be amused a little!”

19. Says Malla: “Dear Mallwit – it’s not advisable, for all kinds of wild animals are on the prowl out there right now, all hell breaking loose. God’s grace is with whoever they catch! Wherefore I reckon we better stay home. It is best not to venture in the open when hell is out hunting!” Says Mallwit: “Oh dear oh dear! If that’s so then you, good world, can rejoice – your face shall soon be bloodied again! But I note an unpleasant odour drifting down from the ventilation gap. Can you go and check what’s up.” Says Malla: “Well – what’s it going to be? A little hellish wind; one will have to put an end to that draft! ”Malla goes to fetch a pile of dirty rags, vainly trying to block off the hole.”

20. Continues the Baron: “Lord, what if one spoke to them through that hole?”

21. Say I: “For this it is a long while too early! Their fear of the imagined infernal hunt will do them the most good. You must not make too much of his seeming to call upon God, nor of his apparent political correctness; for whatever he says is what he craves for. You can judge of what ilk he and his family are from his food. His comparative inhumanity you gauged from his shape. Wherefore, just letting him go like unripe fruit is all one can presently do for him, waiting for him to ripen.

22. This museum however is an exceptional one because here, completely ruined spirits are, like plants in a hothouse, led back to light and life by a special act of My grace. This art collection of My grace and especial mercy has its supervisors and warders, who are imbued with all necessary wisdom, like true gardeners. You can rest assured that everything entrusted to their care must definitely come to ripening.

23. And so we shall now leave this spot and move to where you see nearly all our guests assembled behind a most artistic memorial. There you and all my newly arrived guests will understand yet more clearly why this place, still actually situated under the roof of Robert’s house, is called the museum of the house.

24. I once said to my brethren upon Earth: I have yet much to tell you, but you cannot comprehend it now. But when the spirit of truth shall come, same shall lead you into all God’s wisdom, hidden from the eyes of the world! ”So it is also here now; I cannot show and clarify everything to you straight away. But through circumstances, the spirit of eternal truth shall awaken from within yourselves. This shall make all those things clear to you who at present are dark and inexplicable to you. But let us hasten to where all the others are congregating, and where a mighty light shall be kindled to you all! For mighty eagles gather around a carcass.

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