
Chapter 163 From Hell to Heaven, Book 2

13. Says Cado: “So heaven is that way, and romantic hell towards midnight! Well, well, that’s nice. How much for this conjured up spectacle?? You sure are a couple of real magicians! Tell me, is it an ancient Jewish, Roman Catholic, Greek, Turkish or Indian hell? Maybe Persian??”

14. Says Peter: “Cado, Cado! You are a cheeky spirit and are fooling around with God’s unending goodness and mercy! As you see, we are friendly, ready to render you every beneficial service within God’s order. We have not offended you with one harsh word and only showed you where you stand with God’s primordial righteousness, yet you turned on us with tigerlike fury! Why so, friend? Why not treat us with your impotence the way we treat you with all power out of God? Then we shall relate better to one another. Believe that I know you through and through and that you are in desperate straits out of the most evil love in your heart! You shall not be able to help yourself eternally. But confessing your misdeeds before us, opening your heart before us, you enable us to sweep your heart. If however you shut yourself off perpetually before us, the evil excrement in your heart shall solidify, and it will not be possible to save you from eternal death! Cado, think about these most salutary and friendly words!”

15. Says Cado: “I beg you to save yourselves the trouble and stop annoying me in vain! Have you never heard that those born to rule from childhood are accustomed to ruling, and never can or intend obeying? You can achieve something with me only along the road of my grace and magnanimity, but never through counselling! A real king never lets himself be counselled, if he is to assert himself imperiously. He must perpetually rule!”

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