
Chapter 190 From Hell to Heaven, Book 2

It really is regrettable that your beautiful Earth is unable to heal the perpetual injuries inflicted by prevailing tormentors for as long as you don’t remove the latter from its cosmic body. Please do soon whatever You intend to, Lord and Father, or men shall despair of anxiety about the stream of troubles without end. For us of course, waiting is easy, in your presence and its bliss, oh holy Father, and a thousand Earth years are here like a fleeing spring day. But to our brothers, still living in their mortal hulls upon Earth, anxious minutes turn into years and the latter into eternities. Hence, oh Father, open up the rich fountains of your love and grace, blessing the poor upon Earth with the grace of your visitation, foreshortening this evil time! Your holy will be done forever!” – From Hell to Heaven, Book 2, Chapter 190, Paragraph 3

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