
Chapter 193 From Hell to Heaven, Book 2

Chapter 193

Indian wisdom concerning Satan

Counselling patience

Easier to sweep small places than infinity

1. Continues Cado: “Behold, I once found a memorable passage in an Indian book on wisdom which ran something like this: “

2. Arch-primordially, there was existence only in God, and He was Himself infinity and eternity within His lucid self-consciousness, and there was no end to His thoughts and ideas. But just as on a humid evening countless fireflies mingle without discernible order, God’s thoughts and ideas moved up and down and back and forth, although endless space was still without creatures. Only the Deity beheld its great ideas perform great movements within Its free imagination. The Deity subsequently separated the ideas from the thoughts, and this was an initial ordering of things within the Deity Itself. It gradually set the great ideas down firmly, leaving free reign only to thoughts.

3. When however the ideas gained ever greater firmness, it transpired that they were not strictly pure and perfect, whereupon the Deity decided to purify the ideas themselves, separating the pure from the impure. This being accomplished, the Deity put down the impure ones as if outside of Itself, firming them and giving them consistency through Its almighty will and enlivening them through the spirit of the freest thoughts.

4. And a great spirit full of impurity came forth – to be purified through seven other spirits which the Deity had called into being from its pure ideas through the freest spirit of Its thoughts.

5. Behold, brother Robert, before us here stands that first great spirit of impurity, upon whom purification work is still proceeding. Wherefore we must not be put off, if this is a drawn-out affair. This spirit is indeed the most impure thing you can imagine, but not entirely incapable of complete purification in its time. We must not grow impatient just because we were easier to purify than this spirit; a small spot is easier to sweep than an entire world. This spirit within itself is the aggregate expression of the entire Creation, whereas the Earth in its entirely, together with all its beings, can be regarded as no more than one atom of this spirit’s actual being. You will, like myself, understand that tiny spirits are easier to purify than this most phenomenally largest created arch-primordial spirit, the representation of all of Creation. As endlessly more is required for the purifying of such size, one has to give this divine matter special consideration and submit oneself to God’s Commandments in all patience! Dear friend, consider well and you shall accommodate yourself more readily to my efforts. And now over to Minerva.”

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