
Chapter 1 The Spiritual Sun, Book 1

13. The spiritual sun is, therefore, the innermost of the sun and is a spark of mercy out of Me. Then the spiritual powerfully permeates all matter of the sun and finally, it is also encompassing the whole being of the sun. This all taken together is thus the spiritual sun. This is the actual sun, for the visible, material sun is only a body of the spiritual sun, being profusely influenced by and are completely dependent on the spiritual sun. This body is formed in all its parts in such a way that the spiritual can express itself in and through it and as such again completely gathers it in a unit.

14. Who wants to observe the spiritual sun, first must look at her outer appearance and then realize that this all, in the details as well as overall, is permeated and encompassed with the spiritual sun – then he will already have a vague image of the spiritual sun.

15. He also needs to ponder that the spiritual is something completely concrete, something able to completely take hold of each other mutually, while the natural is separated into individual parts and form in and out of itself, no fixed unit. Where it does feature as a whole, it is only because of the inner spiritual. This way you will gain clearer insight into the spiritual sun and the difference between the natural and the spiritual suns will be even more pronounced.

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