
Chapter 3 The Spiritual Sun, Book 1

To what does the second wheel corresponds, which moves the same way and is attached to the spring wheel by means of a chain? This wheel corresponds to the wisdom, who receives her life from love and is thus closely connected to it. With what does the central, main axle wheel correspond? With the eternal order, which clearly arises from the first two wheels and by which all the parts of the mechanism are arranged in such a way that everything ultimately must submit to the achievement of the main goal, which exactly finds its expression out of the love and the wisdom. Look, we now have the whole picture. The axis wheel has been found and it is called Order. Along this axis, we will ascend and witness the destination of all things, as it is expressed exactly in correspondence with the eternal love, wisdom and the order coming forth from both. – The Spiritual Sun, Book 1, Chapter 3, Paragraph 11

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