
Chapter 1 The Spiritual Sun, Book 2

The prior says: O Lord and Most Holy Father! I suspect greater things, and I scarcely dare to say. Could it not be, for instance, when I, as a boy, still loved You so passionately in my heart, that I often burst into tears with love, or perhaps also in my office, since I also secretly felt such a powerful love for You that I was not infrequently almost sick with great delight, or perhaps at those moments when I was moved to tears at the sight of my poor brothers, and helped them with Your grace as far as I could. "If I have borne You once in such a way, I would not know who from all this is the one where You, dear Holy Father, have so deeply humiliated Yourself to let me carry You. – The Spiritual Sun, Book 2, Chapter 1, Paragraph 14

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